The Battles
A Mixture of
1966 BATTLES |

Operation Blue Light
Movement to Vietnam, Setup and
Early Training |

The Ace of Spades
How it Came to
Signify Charlie Company, 2/35th |

15 March 1966 "First Battle"
Commanders Analysis: Special Thanks to
Tony Bisantz, then Commanding Officer of Alpha Co, for this
report. "First Battle" 15 March 1966 Alfa Co. 1/35th Infantry was
involved in not only its first major battle, but the first
major battle of the 3d Brigade Task Force. |

VUA: Copy of the
Recommendation for the Valorous Unit Award for A Co, 1/35th Inf.
The men of Alfa Co fought courageously against a superior
enemy force. In so doing she won the Valorous Unit Award.
Includes Battle schematic and analysis.
Recommendation for VUA for 15 March 1966
Printable Valorous Unit Award A Co 1-35th |
LZ 10
conducted a combat assault into LZ 10Alfa, surprising the
NVA. In the afternoon
Alpha Company 1/35th was lifted in to reinforce. The two companies
fought for their lives for two days against repeated human
wave attacks. This
account of the days leading up to this defining battle, and
the battle itself,
combines official reports with the personal recollections of
the men who were there. Actions that won Presidential Unit
Citations for Bravo Co 2/35th and Alpha Co 1/35th.
LZ 10 Alfa - Capt. Bisantz
The fight
at LZ 10 Alfa was of such significance it was used in
training courses at the US Army Infantry School, FT Benning,
GA. |
10 Alfa - Personal Remembrances
Accounts from the men who were
there, on the ground and fighting to keep each other alive. |
Recommendation for PUC Co A 1/35th
Recommendation for PUC Co B 2/35th |
Printable PUC Alpha Co
1/35th |
Printable PUC Bravo Co
2/35th |
June 1966
This account was prepared by Dick Arnold
is of the actions of Ron Ray, Company A, 2/35th leading to
his award of the Medal of
Honor. |
Border Battle of 24 June1966
Mike Kellermeyer, 4.2" FO, and Ed
Hill, rifleman were members of Recon, 1/35th when the 30-man
platoon ran into a hornets nest of NVA regulars. Before it
was over almost the entirety of Recon was either KIA or WIA. |
3 July 1966
Thomas Giorgi, Jim Smith and Jim Barrett
were members of 3d Platoon, Bravo Company, 1/35th when they were
caught in a horrific fight in the Ia Drang River valley. Before it was over 19 Cacti had lost their
lives. |
7 July 1966
"Stars and Stripes
Reporter Grabs a Gun"
An article by Gary Cooper while
embedded with Charlie Company 1/35th. |
31 July 1966
Company A, 2/35th, while
on an assignment to assess the results of an arc light
mission (B-52 Airstrike), made contact with an estimated
battalion size force in the Ia Drang Valley in Kontum
Province west of Pleiku. |
2 August
LZ 36J - At the beginning
of Operation Paul Revere II, Company A and Recon Platoon,
went back to the area of contact from 31 July, 1966. The
battalion had just moved to LZ 36J. For its
actions that day, Alpha Co was awarded the Valorous Unit
Award. |
Dar - 27 October 1966
On 27 Oct 1966, during
Operation Paul Revere IV, Company B, 2/35th, was patrolling
near the battalion CP when it became involved with the NVA. |
Valorous Unit Award:
Alpha Co 2/35th |
28 October 1966
- Hill 292
On 28 Oct 1966, as part
of Operation Paul Revere IV, Company C, 2/35th was attacked
by an estimated two companies of NVA. Withstanding attack
after attack, this is the story of that day. |
1966 Area
of Operations Map and Support Units
2d Bn, 9th Artillery; C Troop, 3d
Squadron, 4th Cavalry: 52nd Aviation Battalion; 1st
Battalion, 69th Armor; 7th US Air Force |
Photos of 35th Infantry KIA
Names and
photographs arranged by date of loss, |
Walk With the 35th - Vietnam 1966"
This E-Book by Sgt
Jim Anderson (webmaster) is a chronicle of the operations and
battles of the 35th Infantry Regiment from her deployment to
Vietnam through Operation Paul Revere IV. Included are
enhanced battle maps, area maps with LZ locations, the
official and anecdotal accounts of the major battles and
much more. |
1967 BATTLES |
1 March 1967: Crescent Ridge
While the
2/35th was near the Cambodian border in early 1967, the 1/35th
Infantry was participating in OP Pershing on the eastern
coast of Vietnam. Recon 1/35th was in a fight for their
life. |
6 March 1967: Battle at Hoa Tan
Battle at Hoa Tan: B Co, 1/35th Infantry, in OP Pershing,
became heavily involved in the battle at Hoa Tan. Before it
was over, the entire Battalion had been moved into positions
to surround the village. |
12 March 1967: The Border Battle
account is a compilation of observations from those who were
there, daily journal entries, the After Action Report and
news articles. The battle involved all three companies of
the 2/35th and is one of the defining battles of 1967.
March 1967: Commander's Analysis
Company commander, Cpt. Ron "Rick" Rykowski prepared this
report of the actions. Detailed with his maps of the day's
actions. |
21 March
1967: A Compilation
this is a compilation of the 21 March, 1967 battle. Included
area maps, photos from those who were there, and accounts
taken from not only the After Action Report but from the
perspective of those directly involved. |
21-22 March 1967
This is the official After Action Report as transcribed by
Dave Butters who as the Operations Sergeant for the 2/35th
when this battle took place. He named the battle for the RTO,
"One Niner Seirra", who was KIA during the fight.
March 1967
This is
the account of Maj. Ben Crosby, the Battalion XO at the
time. LTC Granger and the battalion command group choppered
into the area of the fighting in the attempt to link up with
Charlie Company. |
From April of 1967 through much of the
remainder of the year, the 3d Brigade Task Force operated in
the coastal lowlands and surrounding hills of Quang Ngai
Province in southern I Corps. The province had been a
sanctuary for Communists and Communist sympathizers, who
were estimated to be 80% of the population. The units of the
Task Force would go on to win the Valorous Unit Award for
their efforts in driving the enemy from its strongholds and
hiding places. A feat no prior unit had been able to
achieve. The following are the After Action Reports (AAR)
and excerpts (VUA) from the recommendation for the Valorous
Unit Award. |
16 April 1967: Thach Thang
AAR: The 35th Infantry had just arrived at the
Duc Pho area. It didn't take very long to be welcomed by the
VC. Battle at Thach Thang. Blue Team 1/9th Cav, A and C
Companies 2/35th. |
April 1967
VUA: Battle of Thiep Son 2 expanded from the initial contact
by C Company, 1/35th to include B Co and Recon. |
12 May 1967: Mortar Attack on LZ Liz
AAR: Further welcoming the 3d Brigade and the
35th Infantry Regiment to the communist stronghold around
Duc Pho, the 2/35th's FSB at LZ Liz came under mortar
attack on 12 May. |
19-20 May
1967: Nga Man
Battle of Nga Man began with contact by Recon, 1/35th. It
soon became evident that an estimated battalion size force
was involved. A Co and B Co, 1/35th, along with B Co 2/35th
and an element of the Blue Team, 1-9th Cav, were inserted to
surround the enemy. |
19-20 May 1967: Vien Hien
AAR: The
Battle of Vien Hien is named for the
villages in which it was fought. This fight covered two days
of intense fighting by A and C Companies 2/35th along with
APCs from the 3/4th Cav. At battle's end 89 VC had been
killed, but at the expense of six 35th Infantry and two
3/4th Cav Troops KIA. |
22-23 May
1967: Dien Truong 4
VUA: The
Battle at Dien Truong 4 began with A Co 1/35th in pursuit of
the 22nd NVA Regiment. Once it was recognized that
they were opposed by a battalion size force, additional
units were brought in. B Co and C Co(-), 1/35th, along with
the 1/9th Cav, the 3/4th Cav and B Co, 2/35th surrounded the
enemy. When the fighting ended, the 7th Bn, 22d NVA Regiment
had been destroyed. |
27-30 May 1967
AAR: The
Battle of Tan Phong stretched over a
three day period. The Blue Team from 1/9th Cav initially
fought to survive an NVA onslaught. C Troop 3-4th Cav (APCs)
with Recon 2/35th were brought into the fight. Later Bravo
Co. 2/35th joined in a sweep that put the enemy on the run.
But not for long. Set up in ambushes located to the west,
3B's ambush came under heavy mortar attack and assault, with
the NVA breaching the perimeter. |
June 1967
VUA: The
Battle at Red Hill involved A Co(-) 1/14th, A Co, 2/35th and
Recon, 2/35th. Following reports of a large VC presence, the
maneuver elements were Combat Assaulted (Helo) to positions
surrounding the area. A Co came immediately under attack. |
15 July 1967: Chargin' Charlies' Charge
Major Gerold Tippin's account of "Chargin' Charlies' Charge". Outside of
artillery range and in jungle too deep and dense for gunship
support Charlie Company 1/35th had no other option. Forming
online they charged through the enemy positions. |
August 1967: An Ba
AAR: The Battle of An Ba
occurred far in the northern section of the Task Force's AO.
Following intelligence reports of a large VC force in the
area, A Co, C Co and Recon, 2/35th were inserted and soon
found the enemy trying to elude to the north. To further
close the encirclement, A Co, 1/14th was later inserted to
the west. |
20 August 1967: An Thach
AAR: The
Battle at An Thach - A Battle of Tanks, C/2/34th Armor, and Infantry,
Recon 2/35th,
working together. To complete the encirclement, B Co, 2/35th
moved in from the north by foot, and A Co, 2/35th was
inserted to the southwest. |
20 August 1967
NEWS: Maj. Ben Crosby's article from Armor
Magazine about the battle "5-Zero Yankee" |
9 October 1967
Dick Arnold - Tim Peters
1/35th |
13-14 November 1967
1/35th Dick Arnold |
Brigade Task Force Operations
Operations Report for the period 22 April to 20 August 1967,
including AO Map and Enemy Location Map
1 Nov 67-30 Apr 68
Full text of Meritorious
Unit Commendation recommendation - 2/35th Includes AO maps
and a daily synopsis of events for this period. A very good
overview of six months in the life of a grunt. |
1968 BATTLES |
2 Feb 1968
1/35th Dick Arnold |
4 Apr 1968
1/35th Dick Beal, CO A Co
on actions at LZ Mile High |
Mar 1969
1/35th Joel Mayne and
David Fogg |